தே.கு.அ.மாநாடு 2010

தே.கு.அ.மாநாடு 2010
NCSC 2010 - Tamil Nadu

புதன், 11 ஜூலை, 2012

2.1.1. Energy Resources

                  2.1.1.  Energy Resources:
Energy inputs are the critical components of national economic activity of our country, which contributes in increasing the gross domestic product (GDP) at an average annual rate of over 7% since 2004. However, it is believed by all concerned around the world that the conventional sources of energy, particularly the fossil fuels, will get exhausted by the turn of this century. It is, therefore, essential to identify the different energy resources, their potential reserves, and sustainability.
All the energy sources are divided into two groups- Renewable and Non- renewable.
Renewable Energy:
Renewable energy includes solar, wind, hydel, bio-mass and geothermal resources.
Solar: The sun's rays, or solar energy, have been used since the beginning of time and is vital to all living things. In addition to solar energy being a constant resource, heat and electricity are other forms of energy those can be made from free and unlimited source of solar energy. The sun is although 93 million miles away, but there would have been no life on earth without it. From growing crops to heating our homes, the sun is becoming more dependable than ever before, as new technologies harness its energy to supply the needs of our present-day society.
It is the unique source from which directly or indirectly fuel is made. The sun creates convective heat currents that stir the winds in our atmosphere. The sun drives the hydrological cycle causing water to evaporate and condense. Plants also process radiant energy through a process called photosynthesis.
India is endowed with rich solar energy resource since it is located in the equatorial sun belt of the earth. Theoretically, India receives about 5000 trillion kWh solar radiations (power) with about 300 clear sunny days in a year. The daily average solar energy incident over India varies from 4 to 7 kWh/m2 with about 2,300–3,200 sunshine hours per year, depending upon location, which is far more than the current total energy consumption. While India has technology and sunlight in abundance, and while these are key ingredients for a green energy future, it is daunting to think solar thermal and solar electric power can increase their share of energy production from today’s negligible percentage to provide all needed growth in energy production within a generation. For conventional human usage, sunlight must be captured and converted. Solar-powered devices are the most direct way to transform raw thermal energy into electricity.
Wind: Winds are caused by the uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun, the irregularities of the earth's surface, and rotation of the earth. The earth’s surface is made of different types of land and water. These surfaces absorb sun’s heat at different rates, giving rise to the differences in temperature and subsequently to winds. During the day, the air above the land gets heated up more quickly than the air over water. The warm air over the land expands and rises, and the heavier, cooler air rushes in to take its place, creating winds. At night, the winds are reversed because the air cools more rapidly over land than over water. In the same way, the large atmospheric winds that circle the earth are created because the land near the earth's equator is heated more by the sun than the land near the North and South Poles. From ancient times till nineteenth century, the manufacture and use of sailing ships determined the economic and political power of nations. The first known use of sailing ships was by the Egyptians in 2800 B.C. Further, the first uses of the wind for mechanical power appear to have been developed in Persia where water was pumped for irrigation by windmills. Between the seventh and tenth centuries, windmills were firmly established in Persia. By the thirteenth century, windmills were common in Europe, with significant advances being made by the Dutch and the English. Wind mills were evolved only for grinding grain and water pumping purposes. But at present the wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of the moving wind into electricity. Wind Energy, like solar energy, is free resource, but is much intermittent than the solar. Wind speeds may vary within minutes and affect the power generation and in cases of high speeds it may result in overloading of generator. The range of wind speeds that are usable by a particular wind turbine for electricity generation is called productive wind speed. The power available from wind is proportional to cube of the wind's speed. So as the speed of the wind falls, the amount of energy that can be received from it falls very rapidly. On the other hand, as the wind speed rises, so the amount of energy in it rises very rapidly. However, productive wind speed ranges between 4 m/sec to 35 m/sec. The minimum prescribed speed for optimal performance of a wind mill is about 6 m/s. Wind power potential of a place is mostly assessed considering wind power density higher than 200 W/m2 at 50 m height.
It is a known fact that wind high above the ground is stronger than winds near the ground. On average a five-fold increase in elevation, say raising the height of the wind machine from 10 feet to 50 feet, the power of available wind will be double. That’s why wind turbines are placed on tall towers and is often located on mountains or hilltops. On the other hand, in our country ‘on-shore’ potential for utilization of wind energy for electricity generation is of the order of 65,000 MW. India is also blessed with 7517km of coastline and its territorial waters extend up to 12 nautical miles into the sea. This unexploited resource availability has the potential to sustain the growth of wind energy sector in India in the years to come. Total installed capacity of electricity generation from wind is 13,065 MW; out of the estimated potential it is more than 65000 MW. But, if sea based opportunities are taken into consideration then it will be much higher (Sukhatme, 2011).

Air temperature is also an important factor in wind power generation. Cold air is denser than hot air. Thus, wind turbines are able to generate about 5% more power at any given wind speed in the winter than they are during the hot days of summer. Wind in India is, thereby, influenced by the strong south-west summer monsoon, which starts in May-June, when cool, humid air moves towards the land and the weaker north-east winter monsoon, which starts in October, when cool, dry sir moves towards the ocean. During the period march to August, the winds are uniformly strong over the whole Indian Peninsula, except the eastern peninsular coast. Wind speeds during the period November to march are relatively weak, though higher winds are available during a part of the period on the Tamil Nadu coastline. However, our country is used to use wind energy from ancient times for domestic as well as community purposes. At present, wind energy is directly used to produce electricity

A simple equation for the Power in the Wind is described below.  This equation describes as the power found in a column of wind of a specific size moving at a particular velocity.
                                P = 1/2 ρ ∏ r2 V3
Where,P = Power in the Wind (watts), ρ = Density of the Air (kg/m3),
r = Radius of your swept area (m2), V = Wind Velocity (m/s), and ∏ = 3.14 


Hydel: This is one of the earliest known renewable energy sources, in the country since beginning of the 20th century. In fact, for the last few hundred years, people living in the hills of the Himalayas have been using water mills, or chakki, to grind wheat. The 130 KW small hydropower plant in Darjeeling set up in 1897 was the first in India.
The production of electricity using the energy of flow of water in rivers, small streams, water falls and dams is based on the basic scientific concept of mechanical energy converted into electricity exploiting the Faradays law of electromagnetic induction.  Waves result from the interaction of the wind with the surface of the sea and represent a transfer of energy from the wind to the sea. Energy can be extracted from tides by creating a reservoir or basin behind a barrage and then passing tidal waters through turbines in the barrage to generate electricity. Hydro power is one of the best, cheapest, and cleanest sources of energy, although, with big dams, many environmental and social problems have been seen as in the case of Tehri and Narmada Projects. Small dams are not only, free from such problems, but also free from problems like affecting the lives of thousands of people living along the banks of the rivers, destruction of large areas under forest, and seismological threats. New environmental laws affected by the danger of global warming have made energy from small hydropower plants more relevant.
Energy is also obtained from waves and tides. The first wave energy, project with a capacity of 150MW, was set up at Vizhinjam near Trivandrum. Till date India has installed hydroelectric power plant of 32,326 MW against a potential of 1,50,000 MW. The power plant with capacity greater than 25MW is called large hydel plant. Water energy of any small stream flowing in a hilly terrain can also be harnessed for generating electricity to meet energy needs of remote rural areas. These small hydropower plants can serve the independently. Till date, small or micro hydro plants of total capacity of 2953 MW have been installed against an estimated potential of 15400MW (Sukhatme, 2011).
Energy from the sea - Ocean thermal, tidal and wave energy
Large amounts of solar energy are stored in the oceans and seas. On an average, the 60 million square kilometer of the tropical seas absorb solar radiation equivalent to the heat content of 245 billion barrels of oil. Scientists feel that if this energy can be tapped a large source of energy will be available to the tropical countries and to other countries as well. The process of harnessing this energy is called OTEC (ocean thermal energy conversion). It uses the temperature differences between the surface of the ocean and the depths of about 1000m to operate a heat engine, which produces electric power.

Theoretical formula for producing the power from a hydel project is as follows:
P= kdQgh
Where, P is the power in Watt, d is the density of water in kg/cubic meter, Q flow in cubic meter/sec, g is the acceleration due to gravity in m/second square, h in meter is the difference in height of the of the inlet and outlet water, and k is a dimensionless parameter whose value lie between 0 and 1; it determines the efficiency of the plant (Herman-Josef & Jyotirmoy Mathur)


Bio- energy: Bio-energy is an important form of renewable energy that is stored in biological material like wood, wood-waste, manure, straw and other-products of agricultural processes. Bio-energy in these sources can be converted and used to generate heat or electricity, or to produce transport fuel. The source of bio-energy is organic material – which refers to biomass, which is effectively a store of solar energy, Energy from the sun is captured through photosynthesis and stored as the plant or tree grows. It is either:
·         the direct product of photosynthesis (for example plant matter – leaves, stems, etc.) or
·         the indirect product of photosynthesis (for example animal mass resulting from the consumption of plant matter).
Biomass is defined as the total mass of living organisms in a given area or of a given species is usually expressed as dry weight. Organic matter consisting of or recently derived from living organisms (especially regarded as fuel) excluding peat. Biomass includes products, by-products and waste derived from such material. Cellulosic biomass is biomass from cellulose, the primary structural component of plants and trees (IPCC 2007). An alternative name for biomass used to produce bioenergy is a “feedstock.” The main categories of feedstock are: oil seed crops, grains, sugar crops, and agricultural residues, trees, grasses, and algae (Pena 2008). The last category containing trees and grasses is commonly referred to as cellulosic biomass. Different parts of the plants are used depending on the category of feedstock. For example, fats and oils from oil seed crops, such as soybeans, can be directly converted to biodiesel using the processes of transesterfication or hydro- treating. The possible products that can be derived from biomass include biodiesel, ethanol, butanol, methane, hydrocarbons, and natural oils, which can be further processed into any number of desirable fuels (Pena 2008). Rotting garbage, and agricultural and human waste, all release methane gas—also called "landfill gas" or "biogas." 

(a)   Bio fuel: About 51% of solar energy reached on the earth can be converted into bio-fuel energy by green plants. The Rural people of India depend mostly on fuel-wood for cooking but there is a great gap between demand and supply. India has a great scope for energy plantation on 70 million ha and can generate wood biomass to the tune of 560 million tones of fuel biomass. From the energy plantation on an average 4000 kcal/kg energy can be produced.
(b)   Bio-ethanol:  Bio-fuels are potential alternatives to the liquid fossil fuels as they can directly be blended with petrol / diesel. Bio-fuels are of two types : alcohols (ethanol and butanol) and diesel substitutes (bio-diesel and hydro-treated vegetable oils). Ethanol produced from starch and sugar has remarkable characteristics of having high latent heat of vaporization, high octane number, rating; emission of toxic compounds on combustion is also low as compared to gasoline. Presently, approximately 1 million ton against a potential of10 million ton is being produced in India. The raw materials used for production of ethanol are cellulose available from wood, agricultural residue, waste from paper industries, municipal solid waste etc.
(c ) Bio diesel: Bio diesel is another type of liquid fuel which is produced from non edible tree seed’s oil. By the process of trans-esterification of these oils, glycerin and bio diesel are produced. The potential of such resources in India is 20 million ton per year.
(d)     Wood: Wood is considered humankind’s very first source of energy. Today it still is the most important single source of renewable energy providing over 9% of the global total primary energy supply. Wood energy is as important as all other renewable energy sources altogether (hydro, geothermal, wastes, biogas, solar and liquid biofuels). . Fuelwood and charcoal production is often the predominant use of woody biomass in developing countries and economies in transition. A common hardwood has an energy content of 14.89 mega joules per kilogram (6,388 BTU per pound), and 10.423 mega joules recoverable if burned at 70% efficiency.

The carbon content of vegetation is surprisingly constant across a wide variety of tissue types and species. Schlesinger (1991) noted that C content of biomass is almost always found to be between 45 and 50% (by oven-dry mass).In many applications, the carbon content of vegetation may be estimated by simply taking a fraction of the biomass, say     
C =0.475 *B
Where, C is carbon content by mass, and B is oven-dry biomass.


Bio-energy also includes human and animal energies. From ancient times the power vis-à-vis energies of these two resources were extensively used for wellbeing of the society. Till date more than 55% of the total cultivated area is still being tilled by draught animals. In India bullocks, buffaloes and camels are the major draught animals for field operations. Horses, mules, donkeys, yak and mithun are the pack animals for transport. We are also resourceful in human labour as well.

Non-renewable Energy Resources:
The non-renewable energy resources include fossil fuels viz. coal, lignite, crude oil as well as natural gas along with fossil-fuel-like substances like coal-bed-methane, gas hydrates etc. Nuclear energy is the other important non-renewable source which produces energy in exothermic nuclear reactions involving uranium, plutonium and thorium.
Coal & lignite: India has 38,930 million ton reserve of lignite, called brown coal, but even then we are to import coal to meet our deficit. In 2009- 10 around 73 million ton of coal was imported (Sukhatme, 2011) and with the passage of time we have to import more and more coal to meet our energy needs.
When coal is burnt in the presence of oxygen, carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced in an exothermic chemical reaction, as shown below:
C + O2 → CO2 + Energy (Heat) .
 It has been observed that burning of 1 kg coal yields 6150 Wh (22.14 MJ) of heat energy.
 Crude oil and natural gas: In 2009-10 India imported 159 million ton of crude oil (Sukhatme, 2011). Current crude oil reserve is also gradually diminishing, which will not meet the demand for more than 20 years. Further, natural gas production was around 30 billion cubic meters in 2002 and remained same till 2009. With new discoveries of oil reserve base in Krishna-Godavari basin annual production has increased up to 47.91 billion cubic meters during 2009-10 (Sukhatme, 2011). In recent past, a significant amount of crude oil has been explored in western part of Rajasthan. Natural gas is used for production of electricity as well as domestic and industrial consumption and till date 17,456 MW of electricity has been produced using natural gas (Sukhatme, 2011).
Besides these energy resources, coal-bed-methane and gas hydrates are also considered as most important source; and coal-bed-methane is the major component of natural gas found in the coal mines. It may be mentioned as example - while drilling well, water comes out first and then methane flows out of the well due to reduction of pressure.  There are abundant reserves of gas hydrates in the deep sea of Andamans and Krishna-Godavari basin (Sukhatme, 2011).
Geo- thermal energy: Deep inside the earth, the rocks are in a super heated molten form called magma. Sometimes water that seeps into the earth, through cracks in the rocks, comes in contact with this molten magma. This results in the water getting super-heated. 

This hot water can reach temperatures of more than 1500 C. That's a lot hotter than boiling water, which boils 1000 C. As the water heats up, it rises up to the surface of the earth and spews out of the cracks. The steam and water that comes out with so much force that it sometimes rises as high as 500m. This heat energy, hidden under the surface of the earth, is called geothermal energy.
However, geothermal energy is difficult to handle. First, there are very few areas of such geothermal activity. Secondly, the areas where such activities occur are highly prone to earthquakes. Lastly, the chemicals that come out of the earth, as part of the steam, can be very harmful to the machines and equipment used to generate electricity. 
Nuclear energy sources: Nuclear energy is an important non renewable energy source, which produces energy in the exothermic nuclear reactions involving uranium, plutonium and thorium. This source is used to generate electricity and it is produced through nuclear fission and fusion.
Fission of 1gm of uranium (235) produces energy of 22.8 X103 kWh. With this energy one can run a 1 kw electrical heater nearly for 1000days. Further, in nuclear fusion, deuterium is used, which is abundantly available in sea water. Several countries, including India, has initiated together a programme called the International Energy Reactor for gaining experience of setting a  fusion based nuclear plant.

 Story From the field
Use of Solar Energy  for Cooking
At Shanti kunj Haridwar for cooking of daily food 3 LPG cylinders were being used daily. Now, the institute has installed a 160m2 Steam Generating Parabolic Dish Solar Cooking System for preparation of daily meal (Dalia and Khichiri) for 1000 persons.
The system is consisting of 10 parabola of 16 m. dia each with headers, pipeline and auto tracking system etc. The steam generated is transferred to stainless steel utensils for cooking of food.
After installation of dish system in April, 2010, the institute is saving 1 LPG cylinder daily on an average and approximately 300 cylinders annually, i.e., Rs. 1.20 Lakh annually.
The cost of system Rs. 27 Lakhs has been subsidized by MNRE, GoI & State Govt. (Rs. 16 Lakh). The balance cost has been born by beneficiary organization.
Bio-gas for refrigeration
At Deep frozen Semen preservation centre of Uttarakhand live stock development centre, Rishikesh, Dehradun, of 50 bulls dung was being used for manure production only. By the financial help of MNRE GoI & State Govt. the centre has installed a bio gas plant of 25 m3 capacity with 3 Kw power generations. The power generated is being used for chaff cutting for bulls. Thus, 3 kw electricity is being saved daily assuming maximum load of 2 Kw @ Rs. 3 per unit, which approximately saves Rs. 4000/-per day.




The flow chart below depicts the framework for undertaking projects by the children under the sub-theme, Energy Resources.

            Model Project
Project –I.  : Explore and identify energy resources in and around you
STEP 1: A group of children explores the sources of energy in a locality. They maintain an observation sheet and interview people to know about the sources of their day to day energy requirement. At this time they don’t do the classification and only list down the sources, i.e. –
a.     Sun
b.    Biomass (firewood, cowdung cake, charcoal, food & fodder etc.)
c.     Wind power
d.    Animal muscle power
e.     Human muscle power
f.     Petroleum (Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene, Candle) 
g.    Coal
h.     Water flow
i.      LPG

STEP 2: Now the children, with help of local expert and books try to know the origin of the sources and try to classify them into BIOTIC and ABIOTIC -
a.     Biomass
b.     Animal muscle power
c.     Human muscle power

a.     Sun
b.     Wind
c.     Petroleum* (Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene, Candle) 
d.     Coal
e.     Water flow
f.      LPG
*Petroleum sources although originates from plants and animals, by the time they transform to usable energy forms, they become abiotic.
STEP 3: Then Children try to classify the sources as renewable and non-renewable
a.     Sun
b.     Biomass
c.     Animal muscle power
d.     Human muscle power
e.     Wind power
f.      Water flow
a.     Petroleum (Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene, Candle) 
b.     Coal
c.     LPG

STEP 4: Then Children explore various usage of the different forms of energy found in the locality through observation and interview of local people in the following format–
Current usage (imaginary)
Possible usage
a.   Sun
a.   Drying, heating, lighting (small scale)

a.   Cooking, water heating, electricity generation, vehicle running. Large scale rural electrification/ Solar power grids
b.   Biomass
b.   firewood, charcoal, food & fodder etc.
b.   Energy cake, bio-electricty using biomass gasifier, bio diesel
c.    Wind
c.    Water lifting
c.    Electricity generation
d.   Animal muscle power
d.   Agriculture, Transport

e.   Human muscle power
e.   Agriculture, Transport, other physical work

f.    Petrol
f.    Vehicle running, electricity generation

g.   Diesel
g.   Vehicle running, electricity generation

h.   Kerosene
h.   Household lighting, cooking

i.     LPG
i.     Cooking
d.   Vehicle running, industrial use, 
j.     Coal
j.     Cooking
e.   Thermal power,
k.    Water flow
k.    Not used
f.    Micro/ Pico-hydel

Step – 5. Experimentation for possible use/effective –optimum use
Identify any one of the sources already identified and try to bring out some way to establish possible uses or enhancing effectiveness of optimal use through an experiment and observation based on a functional model/ field base experiment -observation.

Example :
ONE EXPERIMENT: How micro-hydel power generation in a small scale is possible
Objective: To demonstrate generation of electricity using a micro/ pico hydel in a locality using the available water flow in a stream/ water fall
1.     Identify a stream in the locality with natural water flow
2.     If needed, make a small check dam to retain water temporarily to give enough pressure for turbines to move at optimum speed
3.     Make a generator using magnet, handmade coil and turbine (may be a fan)
4.     Use the generator and the water flow of the stream to generate electricity
5.     Connect the generator to a bulb to demonstrate generation of energy
Expected outcome:
Understand the basic principle of hydro-power generation and have a model production unit. It gives the opportunity to have a decentralised, community managed production unit, which can be operated by the community without depending on the public supply system.


Project – II. Nature of availability of solar and thermal energy resources in a village
Although several sources of energy are available for exploitation on earth (e.g., geothermal, nuclear decay), the most significant is solar energy. Light and other radiation streaming out from the sun strikes the earth 93 million miles distant, providing energy to the atmosphere, the seas, and the land, warming objects that absorb this energy; that is, radiant energy is converted to heat energy (molecular motion). Differential heating causes winds and currents in the air and water, the heat energy becoming kinetic energy of motion. Warming results in evaporation of water into the atmosphere, setting up the hydrologic cycle. The lifting of water into the atmosphere becoming potential energy that will convert to kinetic energy when the water begins to flow back downhill. So, solar energy not only plays most significant role in determining the resource base of any geographical situation, but also essentially required for growth and survival of living organisms.
Further, considering climate change scenario, the nature of availability of solar vis-à-vis thermal energy at different time periods of any location is to be known for planning living quality.
Objective:  To study nature and availability of solar and thermal energy resources in an area.
Materials required:         (i)   A simple thermometer
                                      (ii)   A Sun-dial (to be made by the children)
                                      (iii) Arrangement for hanging thermometer
                                            (a wooden pole with hook)
                                      (iv) Field note book
Step – 1.     An open area in the dwelling village of the children who will take up the project is to be identified; keeping in view that the area should not be influenced by tree shade or any other interference at any time of the day. A play ground will be the ideal area.
 Step – 2.    The pole and the sun-dial are to be placed at the centre of the area.
Step – 3.     Temperature readings to be recorded at (i) at ground level and (ii) 1.5 m height at different time in a day ( preferably at 08, 12, and 16 hours).
Step-4.       The day length (preferably bright sun-shine hour) is to be recorded with sun-dial from dawn to dusk.
·         This should be recorded every day and to be continued for two months in the following tabular form-
Table:1. Diurnal air temperature (oC)
At ground level
At 1.5 m
8 hr (A)
12 hr (B)
16 hr (C)
8 hr (A)
12 hr (B)
16 hr (C)


Table:2. Day-length/ Bright sunshine hour by days
Day length, hr
Total radiation  available*
Energy, Watt/d


Table:3.  Mean temperature at different day time and inversion layer
Mean Temperature (oC) at ground level
Mean Temperature (oC) at 1.5 m height
Inversion Layer*
 (C – A)

Note: * A layer of air that is warmer than the air below it is called an inversion layer (Gordon et al.1980). Such a layer traps the surface air in place and prevents dispersion of any pollutants it contains.

Table:4. Cumulative temperature
Mean temperature
Cumulative temperature**
At ground level
At 1.5 m height
At ground level
At 1.5 m height

y 1

x1 + x2 = xa
y1 + y2 = ya

xa + x3 = xb
ya + y3 = yb


Note: ** Cumulative temperature, which gives total thermal energy for a given period is important for selection of crop and adoption of cultivation practices
·         The two month’s data can be converted to weekly data and respective mean values to be calculated.
·         Finally total amount of energy availability from these two sources can be calculated both by weeks and months.
·         The profile of energy from temperature can be compared through graphical analysis,
·         Variation at two different situations can also be compared.
·         The diurnal temperature can be correlated with day length
·          Cumulative temperature, which indicates thermal energy availability at a given time for a place, can also be compared by weeks and months.
This study can be taken up in any geographical situations. Further, there may be two different projects on thermal and solar energy or both can be considered together to study the interrelations of the two energy resources.

From the mean values of Table -3, the children can calculate both Growing Degree Days (GDD) and Heliothermic Unit (HTU). GDD is in practice for more than 200 years. The concept assumes that there is direct and linear relationship between plant growth and temperature. A degree-day or a heat unit is the departure from mean daily temperature from minimum threshold temperature, known as base temperature. The base temperature is the temperature below which no growth takes place. The base temperature varies from 40 – 12.50C for different crops. Its value is higher for tropical and lower for temperate crops. As a thumb rule for Indian condition, 50C is considered as base temperature irrespective of crops. The GDD is expressed as Degree Celsius Days (0C days) and calculated using the following equation –
GDD = ∑ [(Tmax – Tmin)/2] - Tbase         ……… (i)
             i = 1
The product of GDD and actual bright sunshine hours is Heliothermal Units (HTU). In addition to GDD, it takes into account the effect of actual bright sunshine received by the crop on a particular day. It is expressed by Degree Celsius Day hour (0C day hour) and calculated as follows –
PTU = GDD x Actual bright hours   ………..  (ii)
In context of climatic degradation these parameters will give an idea of thermal energy availability in a particular location.

Project – III.  Study on bio-resource potential in a village
Biomass can be understood as regenerative (renewable) organic material that can be used to produce energy. These sources include aquatic or terrestrial vegetation, residues from forestry or agriculture, animal waste and municipal waste. In fact, it is composed of organic matter found in flora throughout the world as well as manure of some animals. The simple explanation is that the natural plants collect energy from the sun. This is converted, through photosynthesis with the other compounds, within the plants, making a source of solar energy. This energy is displayed in the use of wood for home and industry use. With the exception of manure, which is converted by the use of yeast, the materials are burned to produce the energy. The use of municipal waste has been very effective in the production of electricity, as well as gas using this theory. 
For many years there has been much controversy over the disposal of animal waste such as manure. In large animal farm this can be a problem. It has now been found that this waste can be turned into methane gas by using anaerobic digestions plants. It is expected that biomass products will one day supply the entire world's energy in place of many of the forms now used. Thus, one can be assured that when the secret of really unleashing biomass  power is revealed and applied it will greatly benefit the entire world. Hence, Estimating of resources from different bio-sources is required to be known as first hand information for planning and management for improving quality of life of rural mass.
Objective: To estimate different bio-resources in a village.
Materials required:
(i)             Village map
(ii)            Questionnaire
(iii)           Basket (preferably bamboo made)
(iv)          Rope for hanging basket in the spring balance
(v)           Spring balance
Step -1: A village where the participating children dwell the need to be selected
Step – 2. Using questionnaire following information is to be collected.
                                 (i)    Name of the village (with JL number)
                                (ii)    Area of the village (To be marked in the map)
                               (iii)    Number of household
                               (iv)    Number of people per household
                                (v)    Number of labour force
                               (vi)    Amount of farm and/or kitchen waste

                              (vii)    Types and number of domesticated animals
Type of animal







Amount of animal dung/ excreta available/household/day
Step – 4. . If the village is very large, children will have to undertake survey in some randomly selected households of the village. The number of household should be more than 50. They will visit the cowshed and measure the amount of cow dung with the help of basket and spring balance. This should be repeated for 3 – 5 days in the sample households.
Step – 5. . The amount of farm waste available per day  is also to be measured and estimated for yearly availability
Step – 6.. The average amount of dung/excreta available in the sample household will be used to calculate total amount of dung/excreta available in the village in a year. The seasonal differences, where ever possible, can also be calculated.
Step – 7.. Finally total amount of excreta and waste are to be calculated for the village as a whole.
Step – 8. The whole bio- resources are to be converted in form of energy using conversion factors.
Step – 9. . The total labour force also to be converted in terms of energy multiplying by the conversion factor
Table: Conversion factors
Energy conversion factor
Human labour
0.1779 MJ/man-hr
1.34 MJ / bullock
Cow dung

Farm waste
80 – 200 kCal/kg

·         Children will then compare yearly and/or seasonal availability of different resources in that particular village.

Project – IV. . : Assessment of hydel energy (Water) in a flowing water body
Objective: To study the kinetic energy in a stream flow
Materials required:
1.     Map of the area
2.     Colour pen
3.     Tracing paper
4.     A piece of small float
5.     A long string
6.     Bamboo poles
7.     A float (may be a piece of thermocol or cork)
8.     Stop watch
9.     Measuring tape
10.  Note book
Step – 1. A stream or an open channel is to be identified
Step – 2. Map should be traced in the tracing paper and the location of the stream flow/ open channel is to be marked showing direction of flow,
Step – 3. The children will visit the place and identify a segment of the channel.
Step – 4. The bamboo poles are to be put in two ends of the segment.
Step – 5. They will then measure the length of the flow in the channel.
Step – 6. Using bamboo poles depth of the flow is to be measured.
Step – 7. The bamboo poles are also to be put just opposite side of the channel in a line of the previously placed the poles (as shown in the diagram).
Step – 8. The strings are to be tied across the channel at both the ends.
Step -9. The float will be placed at the top of the channel (marked A)
Step – 10. With  the stop watch the time of run of the float will be recorded.
Step – 11. Then the calculations will have to be performed –
(i)     cross sectional area of the channel, A (sq. M)
(ii)    depth of the flow, h( m)
So, the volume of water in the section, V = A* h (m3)
Since density of water is 1, so V = M (mass), g

(iii)   Velocity, P = L (length of the channel section)/ time , m/sec
 Finally, Kinetic energy of the flow will be calculated using the following equation
                                  KE = ½ M* V2
Note: This study can be undertaken before and after the rainfall, thereby a comparative study on energy in flowing channel can be made.
            Suggestive project idea
                                 (i)    Quantification of heat generated in exothermic chemical reactions (such as burning of coal, wood, charcoal, gas etc
                                (ii)    Identification of estimation of components of the gas produced from cow dung,  kitchen waste, human waste, tree leaves etc.
                               (iii)     To study potential wind velocity in an area.
                               (iv)    Estimation of incidence of solar radiation
                                (v)    Estimating biomass energy stock in a school compound
                               (vi)    Measuring kinetic energy in a stream
                              (vii)    Comparative study on thermal energy availability in open and closed spaces in urban area.
                             (viii)    Collection and recording of different plant parts and seeds available for use as food and fuel.
                               (ix)    Estimating Growing Degree Days (GDD) using time-scale recording of atmospheric temperature
                                (x)    Measuring and correlating air and soil temperature and thermal resources 

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