தே.கு.அ.மாநாடு 2010

தே.கு.அ.மாநாடு 2010
NCSC 2010 - Tamil Nadu

வெள்ளி, 18 ஜூன், 2010

Project 5: Population pressure on land: quality of life

Project 5: Population pressure on land: quality of life

Human habitation is primarily influenced by availability of natural resources as well as climate and land features. In the modern age, however, the work/job facilities and economic conditions have become major influential force behind development of human habitation. With rapid progress of industrialization and urbanization along with population explosion during the last few decades, people concentrate on small piece of land for their living. As a result, people undergo certain stress on account of various social and family related issues in their living places. Hence, it is pertinent to assess the life style and living condition of people settled under different situations like, slums, colonies, rural areas, industrial belts etc.
1. To determine population density per unit area in selected slums/apartments of locality
2. To assess the quality of life based on parameters of living area
• Select at least 2 slums or 2 apartments in the locality.
• Visit the selected area and measure the area of living place.
• Fill up the questionnaire/data format through interaction with the head of each family and assign score values against each factor/item.

Note : Table not included.

• Calculate population density(PD) per unit area, which is expressed in percentage, using the equation as given below
PD,% =
• Determine the quality of life on the basis of over all scoring:
Score <7 = low
Score 8-14 = medium
Score >14 = high.
• Compare between 2 slums/apartments in respect of population density and quality of life
This evaluation will help to understand various factors and their interaction influencing stress in living places. This project will generate some basic information that can be passed to local authority like panchayat/municipality for future development works.

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