தே.கு.அ.மாநாடு 2010

தே.கு.அ.மாநாடு 2010
NCSC 2010 - Tamil Nadu

வெள்ளி, 18 ஜூன், 2010

Project-1: Status of water quality and its impact on soil properties

Project-1: Status of water quality and its impact on soil properties


Water is an important component of land resources. Steady increase in population leads an increasing demand of water for agriculture, industrial, domestic and other purposes. Besides quantity, the quality of water is also getting deteriorated. Therefore assessment of water quality and its impact on soil is necessary.

Objectives -
i) Identification and Characterization of water resources in the study area
ii) Grading of water quality
iii) Studying their impact on soil properties

i) Selection, classification and demarcation of water resources in the study area
ii) Data collection and characterization of sources
iii) Collection of sample from identified sources and testing of water quality parameters
iv) Assess the water resource quality
v) Investigate the change of soil properties due to application tested water
Experimentation –
i) Collect water samples in polythene bottles.
ii) Find out the pH using pH paper (with 4-5 hrs of collection of sample)
iii) Find out the turbidity
iv) Find out the total hardness
v) Conduct any other tests
vi) Repeat the process after a gap of 15 days and take at least three sets.
vii) Data- the collected data are recorded in a tabular form.
viii) Analyses the data to find the water quality and recommend measures to improve it for proper uses.

Practical utility
The study will help to uncover the quality of soil and water resources and indicate the consequences of water qualities on soil properties

i) Monitoring of water quality parameters
ii) Adoption of measures to decrease water quality degradation
iii) Coming up with the process for suitable use of unsuitable water sources

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