தே.கு.அ.மாநாடு 2010

தே.கு.அ.மாநாடு 2010
NCSC 2010 - Tamil Nadu

வெள்ளி, 18 ஜூன், 2010

Additional project ideas:

Additional project ideas:
1. Monitoring of land use pattern influenced by human settlement
2. Shelterbelt impact of plantation – Natural forests and plantations
3. Soil characteristics influenced by Forest vegetation
 Chemical, physical and biological
 With support from local institutions (if feasible)
4. Study of water table through dug well monitoring
5. Assessment of top soil loss due to brick industries.
6. Change in rainfall pattern due to land use change inundated forest areas (under hilly region) – from historical records and secondary data source
7. Soil horizons study under different land use systems – To get the idea of soil formation process

Suggested Theme for some Specific Land Situations
• Urban and industrial areas
1. Study of the air pollution (in industry peripheries)
i. Monitoring floating particles- dust, fog/smog
2. Influence of urban settlement on quality of nearby water body
i. Chemical, physical and biological
ii. With support from local institutions (if feasible)
3. Pollution load to rivers and water reservoirs on religious events like, Idol immersion, holy bathe etc.
4. Disposal of solid wastes and their fate in urban settlement areas – Heavy metals, polythene disposal,

• Low land ecosystem
1. Assessment of alternate strategies of land use in low land eco system
i Production potentiality (Economics)
ii Sustainability and livelihood
2. Economics of fish production, land utilization efficiency
3. Seasonality of fish production and other related issues
• Dry regions
1. Assessment of wind and water erosion,
2. Monitoring extreme weather events (from secondary database)
3. Assessing potentiality of community and individual water harvesting structures
• Rural and Agricultural systems
1. Estimating biomass production capacity of different land use system
2. Estimating irrigation load of a crop land – Water received from rainfall, surface irrigation and ground water against crop water requirement
3. Waste disposal, sanitation, water quality and public health in rural settlements

Group Members:
Dr.M.K. Nanda, Dr M.C.Kundu, Dr.M. Ghosh, Dr.P.K. Bandyopadhyay,
Dr. E. Kunhikrishnan, Mr.K.Batabyal

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